Well, so far I've put up some pictures from the last five countries I've traveled to but I haven't been able to share much about the experience. In a way I don't typically like to write a lot; one because I know when I personally see a ton of writing on blogs I immediately don't want to read through it all. But another reason is because I feel like no matter how much I write and try to portray what I experienced, it still won't suffice. Traveling through Greece, Italy, England, Scotland, and Ireland the past month has been absolutely amazing and Ill try my best to explain why in the most concise way possible. You learn a lot while traveling, not just about the country you are visiting but about yourself as well. Throughout each country there would be moments where I was in awe, moments where I would be truly inspired, and moments where I would be completely humbled. Every time I visit another country I feel a little bit smaller when I return, which to me is a good thing. The world is epic and it is filled with people that are both similar to you and I and with people who are very different. In many of the countries I went to I was able to have very rememberable conversations with locals of the country. Its amazing to hear the differences and similarities in people around the world, you can learn a lot about their country as well as yourself. One thing among many things I will take away from the past month of traveling is the idea of God being bigger than I ever comprehended Him to be in the past. In the past month I was fortunate enough to see places where it is vastly evident that there is absolutely no way that anything other than God could have created it. Standing in the middle of the Highlands in Scotland, looking over the edge of the Cliffs of Moher, sitting in the hills of England, gazing into the Mediterranean sea in Italy and Greece, all make you feel powerless. Yet at the same time it makes you feel blessed. I am truly thankful for all of the opportunities God has given me to grow as a person. My days traveling are typically long and exhausting, but they are truly thrilling and worthy of fatigue. I cant wait to see what my travels have in store for me next.
-Happy Day To All
-Matty J
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