Tuesday, October 16

Road Trip

This last weekend was quite cool. Myself along with the others that I live with went on a 5 hour road trip to a city called East London. It is there where we partnered with a local church in putting on a skate and surf competition. I could go into great detail about each little thing we did but I will save you the time. Instead I will speak about the surf competition. Each surfer had to ride the same board and each of those boards had a Bible verse on them, either from Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John. There were about 80-90 competitors along with fans there to cheer them on. It was an awesome weekend of surfing in which we ran a total of thirty-eight heats that each lasted twenty minutes. The neatest thing that happened at this competition was not cool maneuvers in the water or anything like that. It was the fact that in the opening and closing ceremony of the competition, over 90 people were gathered around, many of which were not Christian, and the gospel was shared.

so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. - Isaiah 55:11

I sat there listening to the preacher, a man who seemed well respected in the surf community there, and knew that he was fully aware of why he put on the competition. It wasn't to see who the best surfer was or to have a fun weekend. His purpose as well as ours was to get people that he would never see in his congregation together, in silence, to hear from God. 
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. - John 1:1
It is crucial to remember that the Word, our Bible, is God. It is how he communicates to us, it will not return empty when it is spoken or read. Its probably why there are well over 6 billion Bibles printed in over 7,000 languages. It is probably why it is the most attacked book in history! And it is probably why it hasn't been stopped by early Roman emperors such as Diocletian, communist dictators, modern-day atheists, pseudo-science, psychology, or todays political movements. It can't be stopped, its already promised to us that it won't be stopped.

Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away- Mark 13:31

Pray that this last weekend hearts were opened to the gospel, and that lives were transformed.