Here is a link to raise money for Nastya and her two siblings. The proceeds go towards the funds needed to help her get adopted by her aunt and uncle. It also shows as an example to Nastya that there are people around the world who care for her.
Wednesday, December 14
Hit In The Face
This morning was like any other morning. I woke up and walked down the stairs to check the surf, and then I sat down to go on my computer. Shortly after that I received a message that changed the course of my morning and approach to the day. A wake up call, a punch that hit me right in the face. A mutual friend Eric that I had the opportunity to go to Russia with sent me a message explaining that one of the young girls at the tuberculosis center we volunteered at named Nastya had a tragic event happen to her and her two siblings. Just recently she witnessed her father murder her mother. The three of them are currently in shock of what they had to witness at such a young age. They are heavily burdened and distraught. I sat there with this for a while and let it soak in. I began to look around my life, I began to look at what Iv'e been blessed with, I began to notice the small things that I take for granted. I began to grow weary in pain for this young girl. Then I began to open my Bible. I turned to the first book in James, and was amazed to find this. James 1:27 "Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and father is this: to visit orphans and widow in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world". This story of Nastya is sad, but what is even more sad is that she is not alone in her distress. During the upcoming christmas season be thankful for what you have and be sure to spend time in prayer for the restless, the broken, and the orphans and widows around the world.
Saturday, December 10
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